Central to all our work is a commitment to raising the achievement and self-esteem of each individual child. Our teachers are highly skilled professionals, focussed on achieving outstanding learning for children. Our role is to assist parents and carers in ‘seeing’ the progress their child is making to enable them to support them on their journey of discovery and learning.
Regular, rigorous and robust tracking of children’s progress underpins learning and teaching across the school. All class teachers assess learning on an ongoing basis, reflecting best practice. Both formal and informal assessments are used to ensure that pupils are making expected, or better than expected progress. This allows teachers to identify individuals or groups who need targeted support to continue to achieve and experience success.
All children have talents that must be realised and celebrated; they may also have weaknesses that can be overcome with hard work and support.
All our teachers ensure that the needs of all children are fully addressed throughout the curriculum. This may involve working in smaller groups or activities; providing more stretch and challenge. We also have a team of professionals catering for children who have specific learning difficulties. Whatever the ability of your child, you can trust that they will have access to a wide range of activities, programmes and extended learning opportunities.